Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Teenage Memory

 I remember a verse to my sister by her favourite Chinese teacher at primary school in her memorial. 

空谷裏的幽蘭,即使無人發現,也散發着馨香。作者 無名氏。

Still remember she invited my sisiter, my lower form classmate and me to her family before her immigration. This is already over 30 years ago. Her kind act still bring a touch of warmth to me till this day.

We may all have times of feeling been neglected. Our lives pass swiftly away like signing a breath. We are significant to no one. Yet every one is unique in a way, created by God with a purpose. Accepting oneself as he or she already is, discovering your own inner self and making connection with the One who forms you, is already a fulfilment. Instead of seeking outward approval, which may be present one day and disappear another day, the focus should be shifted to the Eternal presence, your Creator. Rest in the knowledge He has made the unique you. And if you wish, put trust in Him and He shall form the perfect you.

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