Saturday, February 13, 2021

蔥油餅 Chinese spring onion pancake

今天早上待在家裡做蔥油餅,有一些時間,就記錄下來,按照一貫的風格,也是不大難的, 那一天想做的話就試試吧

I stay at home this morning to make Chinese spring onion pancakes.  As there is a bit of time. So I record it down. It's my usual style. This is not too difficult as well. Try to do it when you want to do it someday.
操作時間: 30 min
卡路里( 每塊蔥油餅):110 
Operation time: 30 minutes
Calories of each pancake : 110





Spring onion part
The green part of four spring onions. Cut into small pieces
One tablespoon vegetable oil
Half teaspoon salt

Flour dough part
300 grams high flour
173 ml clean water
5 g instant east
Half teaspoon of salt
10 g vegetable oil.

1  和好麵團
2  靜待半個鐘头以上
3 有時間的話可以稍微甩打一下,讓筋性多一些,做出來的餅會更Q彈
4 和好蔥油部分,靜待20分鐘以上
5 灑些乾粉在麵團上,把麵團分12等分,每個捏成小球
6 把小麵團擀成牛舌狀
7 鋪上蔥油
8 卷起來成條狀
9 然後再拉長整形,壓扁兩端
10 再卷成圓餅狀,收口藏在面餅底部
12 用保鮮膜包好放進冷藏庫冷藏
13 要吃的時候只需拿出來直接煎

1.  Mixed up the dough
2.  Set aside for over half an hour
3.  knead it a little bit if you have time, This will make the pancake more chewy
4. Mixed up the spring onion part, stay aside for over 20 minutes
5.  Spread some dry flour over the dough. Divide the dough into 12 equal parts.  Knead each part into a small ball.
6. Use a rolling pin to roll the  
ball into the shape of a cow's tongue
7.  Spread the spring onion
8.  Roll up to form a tube
9.  then pull the tube on two sides to make it longer. Press the two sides to flatten and close the end
10.  Then roll the long stripe into a coil. Hide the end at the bottom.
11.  Use the same method to make 12 pancakes
12.  Use plastic wrap to wrap up the pancakes and put into the freezer.
13.  Fry the pancakes directly on the pan when you want to eat it.

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